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Automatically assign leads in HubSpot

Add LeadJar directly to a HubSpot workflow

A better workflow

Your new go to for lead routing in HubSpot.

Leverage the power of HubSpot Workflows to tell LeadJar how you want to assign leads to your HubSpot Contacts.
Lead Assignment Rules
Round robin and weighted distribution.
Account Center
Manage multiple HubSpot accounts? No problem, with Account Center you can administer multipe accounts, all with separate billing.
LeadJar HubSpot workflow action

Manage your teams like a RevOps pro

Weighted lead assignment table
1 click owner import
LeadJar will automagically import all owners in your HubSpot account for you.
Import existing teams
As a part of the owner import process, we'll also create any existing teams you have in HubSpot.
Create new teams
Start creating new teams with your choice of weighted distribution or round robin assignment.

Frequently asked questions

How does LeadJar work?
When a new contact is enrolled via one of your HubSpot Workflows, HubSpot will ping LeadJar to assign the contact an owner. We pick a lead owner based on the rule logic you choose (round robin or weighted distribution), and then update the HubSpot contact with the selected owner.
What ways can I assign leads?
We currently offer round robin and weighted distribution routing options.
How easy is this all to set up?
Just a few clicks is all you need to get going. Initial setup time shouldn't be more than 30 minutes.
How does your pricing work?
It's $50 per month + $0.05 per lead assigned. Example: $50 + 500 leads assigned x $0.05 equals $75 due for the billing cycle.
Do you offer a free trial?
Yes! We offer a 14-day free trial. Cancel anytime before the end of your trial if LeadJar isn't for you.
Do you offer technical support?
We do. However we are a small operation, so response times may vary depending on work load. We do also have a help center that includes walkthroughs to help you get everything working.

Simple, straightforward pricing

LeadJar provides an integrated tool that makes routing new leads a cinch.

$50 /mo

plus $0.05 per lead assigned

  • 1 click owner import from HubSpot

  • Unlimited users & owners

  • Weighted distribution assignment

  • Round robin assignment

  • 14 day free trial

  • Cancel anytime